There are no current offers
Due to unforeseen circumstances there will be no Bingo on Wednesday night.…
The specials running this Friday are…. Pukka pie, mash/chips, peas and gravy Sausage, mash/chips, peas and gravy Chicke…
📣📣 It is renewal time!! 📣📣 All you need to do is pop into the Club with your membership card which needs to be swiped at…
The elections for President, Vice President and Committee will be taking place over this weekend. Voting times are:- Frid…
As the Committee has now disbanded until the elections have taken place, there will be no Joker Game until the new Committee…
For those who wish to attend but have not seen our notice in the bar, our AGM has been re-scheduled for this evening at 7pm.…
All fully paid up members are invited to attend our AGM on Wednesday, 30 August 2023, at 7 pm. Please remember a current m…
From tonight kids under 16 can eat for £1 when an adult meal is ordered. This offer is available on Tuesday 5-7pm, Wednesday…